Have you ever wondered how scientists and bioinformaticians store, access, and organize the genetic variants they discover in each sample? This is the...
BUSCO is widely used in bioinformatics to assess completeness of genome assemblies. Here we will try his younger brother: compleasm · When I was a child,...
Now that you know about FASTA and FASTQs, let's dive into BAM files! · No matter if you obtained your sequence from Illumina, Nanopore or Sanger, it's...
Effective communication with fellow human beings can be challenging, especially for remote workers · At the start of this year, I read a book named...
I dare say that every bioinformatician working with genomics has encountered FASTQ files. Usually, after ordering DNA sequencing, we receive these...
In the 1980s, the technological landscape was vastly different from what we see today. The idea of computers having terabytes of storage or gigabytes...